Creating a financial advising brand for freelance designers
Understand the financial needs of a freelance designer, understand the perspective and role of a financial advisor, design a brand manual to educate and empower employees of the financial company, including tools and resources that support the brand presence in tangible and intangible touchpoints
Tools used
Figma, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Miro, Slack

6 Weeks

Research Document, Brand Manual
Understanding Users Groups
In order to provide an effective brand manual with relevant tools and information, I interviewed a financial advisor.
He noted his difficulty being able to manage all of his clients and still produce enough promotional ads and campaigns for his company. This led me to think: how might I provide examples and information within the brand manual to help him quickly produce media content in line with his messaging strategy?
Interviews and survey responses from several freelance designers led to insights into their financial needs and goals. These insights played a significant role in the concept creation and messaging strategy of the brand.
Crafting the experience
Insights from both user groups helped me identify unique opportunities for engagement from the financial company to align with the interests and desires expressed by freelance designers.
Developing the brand​​​​​​​
Cocreate Financial, is a financial company that combines the “corporateness” appeal of the financial world with the creativity of freelance designers to make awesome things happen.
The concept of Cocreate Financial’s wordmark is to highlight the brand’s openness and enthusiasm towards collaboration between financial advisors and freelance designers.
To portray the creativity, quirkiness, and fun attitude of the brand throughout its visual system, I used a lowercase, san-serif typeface for the wordmark in a flush left lockup. I broke up the word cocreate into “co” and “create” to draw attention to the idea that Cocreate Financial puts collaboration first in everything they do. The tagline and wordmark lockup use playful juxtaposition to reinforce the idea that people are coming together to help one another.
The first page in this manual helps to put employees of Cocreate Financial at ease and gives the context of how this tool is meant to help them not hinder them.
Cocreate Financial’s brand voice was created to be quirky, expressive, and casual to attract freelance designers who may be hesitant or anxious about taking the time to invest in their financial future.

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